Customer, Job Seeker and Employee Login

A place where Ecolab customers, job seekers and employees can login to the various Ecolab portals which serve them.

Login to Our Various Portals Below

three customers

Ecolab Customer Portal

If you are an Ecolab customer using our legacy customer portal, login here.

Ecolab Connect Logo

Ecolab Connect Portal

If you are interested in ordering online, reviewing data and dashboards, learn more about and sign up for our Ecolab Connect portal.


two job seekers

Job Seeker Login

To search career opportunities, update your profile, or log into your candidate account, access our Career Portals.


Nalco customers should login to

UK and Ireland Pest Elimination Customers should log in to the Pest MyEcolab Portal.

If you are an Ecolab or Nalco Water employee, log in at

If you are a Pest Elimination Employee without access to INSIDE Ecolab, go directly to the Pest Elimination Employee Portal