Facts About Large Flies (“House Flies”)
Biology & Behavior
• Flies complete their life cycle from larvae to adult in just 8 to 12 days.
• A female fly can lay as many as 500 eggs in her lifetime.
• Adult flies focus attention on critical life activities such as finding food and water, reproductive activity, and finding suitable breeding material for egg laying. Once a good breeding and feeding site has been found they will remain in the area.
• The common housefly is known to carry over 200 different pathogens and can carry 1.9 million bacteria on its body.
• Temperatures above 70°F/21ºC stimulate fly emergence as heat causes rapid decomposition of vegetation and other organic matter, providing ample food for flies and their larvae. Temperatures below 60°F/15ºC will significantly reduce fly activity.
• Large flies such as houseflies and blow/bottle flies are often called Filth Flies because they feed and breed in filth -- dumpsters, garbage, manure, decaying vegetation.
• House flies will often regurgitate and excrete on the surfaces they land, potentially transmitting at least 65 diseases to humans, including typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, tuberculosis, and Helicobacter pylori (a major cause of stomach ulcers in humans), and Salmonella bacteria.
• Large flies can travel a mile or more to find suitable food and breeding material.